
While we strive to keep our historical blunders accurate, sometimes history itself can be as unreliable as a medieval weather forecast. Our stories are thoroughly researched, but like that time someone thought building a boat out of concrete was a good idea (surprisingly, it worked!), we might occasionally miss the mark.

All content on HistoryOops.com is provided for entertainment and educational purposes only. While we fact-check our articles and cite primary sources whenever possible, historical records can be incomplete, contradictory, or occasionally as confused as King George III during one of his famous “episodes.”

We make every effort to:

  • Verify our sources and cross-reference historical accounts
  • Present accurate information in an entertaining way
  • Correct any errors promptly when discovered
  • Respect historical figures while having a bit of fun with their human moments

However, we cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy of all historical details, especially those involving ancient rulers who had a habit of “editing” their own history. If you spot an error or have additional information about any of our historical mishaps, please contact us.

The views and interpretations expressed on this site are our own and don’t necessarily reflect the opinions of historians, universities, or that one guy who swears his great-great-grandfather invented the hot dog (sorry, Steve).

Use of our content for academic purposes is at your own risk – we recommend checking primary sources rather than citing that time we wrote about Benjamin Franklin’s turkey obsession (though that one’s actually true).

© [Year] HistoryOops.com – All rights reserved, unlike that time the US Patent Office forgot to renew the patent for the Wright brothers’ airplane.